As you've probably gathered. I've decided I no longer feel the need to write this blog.

Thanks for your time, and this is still what... three years of my life as an open book.

To be honest, I just don't feel the urge to do this any longer.

Maybe somebody will discover it one day, maybe not.

And that's that...

...Last drinks at the bar ladies and gentlemen.

Signing off.



(although I may feel the need to pick it back up again one truth about enzyte rainy day )

posted by london cokehead at 12:25 AM 12 Comments ( Go on you know you wanna say something! )
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Jeez Louise, I've neglected this blog so much it's actually fragmenting.

OK Heads up.. Ive been dating a girl for over a year now and she knew about this blog, sooo I couldn't write it any more for fear of hurting her feelings. This relationship is now over, so I suppose I'm back, and have liberty to write what the fuck I want again.

expect posts.

posted by london cokehead at 2:41 AM 15 Comments ( Go on you know you wanna say something! )
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sooo, My sisters Husband is dying of stage 3 colonic mastized son of a bitch, motherfukin, spreading everywhere in his body, 1 year ( if he's lucky ) to live cancer, and I'm thinking 'Why them??

They discovered this last Friday.

There is no fucking god ruling this planet...and if there is, he's having a fucking laugh with us all.

She has four kids to look after.

I'm a very very fucking angry boy at the moment, so I'm listening to Kate Bush ( Arial ) to try and get myself in perspective.



posted by london cokehead at 10:20 AM 4 Comments ( Go on you know you wanna say something! )
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Hey! my blog...completely forgot.
Enough already...I'm posting!

Sooo: What's been going on?

Well I've been here:


And done this ( not me or the band in any of these pics by the way )

And this:

And this:

And been here:

And here:

And seen this:
And played with this lot:

Etc. etc. etc. In other words...all over the chip shop.

Places either visited or passed through in the last few weeks; Brussels, Vienna, Warsaw, Krakow, Marseilles, Graz, Belgrade, Heathrow, Gatwick , Stansted etc. etc. etc.

And today I'm having a day off before returning to the venue tomorrow to finish an install.

Points of note over the last few weeks.

Finishing a gig at 12.30 and spending 2 hours sleeping in the hotel before going back to the airport for 4am for a 6am flight, throwing a strop cos I thought I'd lost my bank cards, finding my bank cards, flying to Brussels, then Vienna for a three hour drive up into the mountains into Graz and then playing at 3 am the following morning.

And you lot think this is all fukin glamorous and shit.

What else? The synth museum in Austria, lots of lovely knobs, sliders and assorted flashy things, right up my street. Shame JR made us speed around it a lightning pace coz he needed to go sit in his hotel room and smoke dope???? Well done, first prize, brilliant idea. Like we never get to see the inside of a fukin hotel room ever.

I will never forgive you.

Very happening place by the way Graz, lots of cool bars, restaurants, nightclubs inside mountains, arty shit and generally happening things happening. Well worth the visit.

+ We reckon if the flight home had crashed it would have taken out half the British dance acts and DJ's scene.

It didn't

Oh yeah reminds me of the other week when British Airways tried to feed a plane full of Roots Reggie Rasta's ( traveling as a band to the same venue as us ) bacon sandwiches for Breakfast..

"Bumberclot! take it away you stanky gwirl or I check you out of t plane window with yo boyfriend who look like a gwirl too, go on now and why I still smellin dat shit!? "

Next err: Getting sooo pissed in Serbia on a barge ( converted into a nightclub ) that I barely made it through airport security and I can't even remember the flight home. Something about plumb brandy if I remember rightly?

Finally: getting barred from my local pub for being naughty in the toilets. No biggie really, plenty more pubs where I live. Technically I don't know if I'm barred or not, but I'm guessing I am and I'm not going back in just for a certain tosser behind the bars personal satisfaction of turfing me back out again.

He knows who he is the hyprocrytical, pug faced, Lirish ( London Irish ) tampon brained twat!!

Nuff said.

And that's that really. Busy busy bee.

Right I'm out the door to find a new local

I'll post as and when I get time and/or something interesting actually happens.


posted by london cokehead at 2:13 PM 7 Comments ( Go on you know you wanna say something! )
Monday, May 05, 2008
Easy Krak


Sooo: I was called on short notice to do a gig in Krakow over the weekend after one of the headlining bands pulled out. So off we all trotted to Poland via (not-so) Easyjet Saturday morning.

Again, sorry about the shite pics, my camera phone refuses to take a picture in focus.

Not really a fan of the old Easy Jet as you kinda have to pay for everything once on-board. Although we did get speedy boarding ( you gotta love the name eh! ) which means you don't have to fight for a decent seat. Complete useless on the return journey though as all it means is that you get on the bus that takes you to the plane first? You still have to fight for a seat when you get to the actual plane?

Bit stupid really.

Still though, we got there.

Weird festival, there was like, 3 hour gaps between each band?? Never heard of anything like that before.

Anyway, great gig, and the band got loads of press whilst playing + some good reviews the next day in the local papers.

+ our own Winnebago for a dressing room

All good

I also got the chance to check out Underworld on the other stage who, I must admit, were shit. They spent the whole gig looking at a bunch of computer screens on-stage with their backs to the crowd. Great!

Superb showmanship lads... Superb /sarcasm.

Went clubbing afterwards to this place that seemed to be full of English stag parties. Not saying much at all to be honest, so I went to bed.

Back on the plane and back home yesterday evening.

I'm off to Poland again next weekend with another band to play in Gdansk, a weird Polish seaside resort.

What else? Oh yes, I've just discovered that I'm staying in this place whilst in Barbados for two weeks working in November. Can't wait, especially for the fact that I haven't had a proper holiday in six years.


Yeah but it's mostly work.

And that's about the size of that for my weekend.

OK, I'm off out with B and the dogs to enjoy this gloriously sunny day.

That'll teach you you little bugger



posted by london cokehead at 12:53 PM 2 Comments ( Go on you know you wanna say something! )
Thursday, May 01, 2008
A ring thing

Sooo: I gave my mate a hand with his boxing night last night, putting up the ring, doing the lights, sorting all the mics out etc. etc. etc.

One thing I've learned though: Assembling a boxing ring with no experience and no instructions = No easy task!

If you thought your Ikea wardrobe and matching bedside cabinet was a pain in the arse to put together ...try one of these fuckers for size!

Took us all bloody afternoon, rather like building adult Meccano...for the brave.

It was always just about finished till you had to fit in the last damn piece. At 5pm we thought we had all the basics laid out when my mate J ( testing the springyness factor of the decking ) reached the middle of the ring and basically disappeared in a cloud of dust through the boards.

Not a good look really.

Oh well, rather him than one of the boxers.

6:30 it was all done, canvass on, ropes on, pads on, no major injuries, a few cut hands... jobs a goodun.

Set up all the lighting and mics, and by 7 we were done.

Turned out to be a wicked night though 6 three round fights , no real injuries, nobody died, everybody happy.

I tell you what though: Boxing when watched ringside is one hell of a tough sport, when you can see the pain in the boxers faces and actually hear the punches landing it's a whole different ball game. I mean, I dabbled in Thai boxing and had a couple of fights when I was a kid, but is wasn't anything compared to this shit.

Good stuff.

I was in charge of the bell too. Ding Ding seconds away and all that.

We took the ring down about 100 x faster then we'd put the damn thing up as well.

Got home around 12:30, had a couple of rum and cokes, watched a film, went to bed.

I'm doing a big install in the venue at the moment, we've decided to put another mixing desk and live set-up in the second 300 capacity room so we can accommodate smaller bands as opposed to the main 1000 capacity room which if you put on a band night and the bands just bring their 100 or so mates it'll appear to be a shit night.

Hopefully this will accommodate them.

And that's about the size of that for the moment, going to Poland next week for a gig. I'm filling in for a mate of mine on a one off thing, should be a good laugh.

Right, I'm off down the polling station to vote for the new Major of London, hopefully we can get rid of that Ken Livingston fucker who's basically making London grind to a halt.

Hopefully. We'll see?


I want this game


posted by london cokehead at 11:42 AM 1 Comments ( Go on you know you wanna say something! )
Monday, April 21, 2008
Le gigs
Sooo: I've just returned from the second visit to France and a wicked little festival La Printemps De Bourges in the centre of France. The festival is located in the centre of the town so no fucking mud to deal with. Kinda mad walking around a festival set on concrete flooring.

Sorry no pics as my camera phone refuses to take a good pic in the dark.

Note to self: Do yourself a favour a new bloody digi camera mate.

The gig was a blinder which is good as the festival tends to be full of industry people looking to book up new bands to play in the upper levels of the French touring scene. All good. To be honest, the rest of the bands playing our stage where a combination of dull Jazzy hip hop and Jazz funk, which is OK to listen to in the house, but fukin boring live. I can safely say that we had absolutely no problem annihilating the competition on sat night. I think it was the first time the crowd had actually had a dance all day!

All good.

I was sooo tired and moody after the gig though as we'd been on the road for the best part of a day, so after the gig it was straight back on the bus and straight to bed for me.

The tour manager P got stopped in France for speeding yesterday. The second time in two weeks? He was stopped for being slightly over the limit last week and, to be honest, we got off lightly coz if they'd have searched the bus we'd have all been fucked due to the amount off weed we were carrying.

French take on being over the limit: Small fine and an hour long stay at the side of the road till you're under the limit again. We'll done France...try that in England and it's loss of license, a trip to court and maybe a spell in prison.